I'm participating in the National Novel Writing Month (or NaNoWriMo) for the second time this year. Last year I joined NaNoLand late, and quit my novel at a dissppointing 3,000 words. BUT! This year i intend to finish.

I am writing a fanfiction (against my better judgment) about Death the Kid. It is mostly OC-based with regular interections with the cannons.

After being behind since Wednesday night (more on this later), I finally caught
up at 11:58 last night. And i would've still been behind if it weren't for the
inspiring posts on the NaNoWriMo forums about tricking/cheating your way to 50K.
No, not illegal cheating. This is perfectly acceptable. It was more like...
helpful hints. And what saved my butt was having my new OC sing a song as she
walked away. The 150-ish words i needed came right off the internet. I am also
writing chapter numbers in fancy font, and excerpts from songs at the beginning
of each. Both of those boost my word count nicely.

So anyway. It snowed in the middle of the day Wednesday... we already didn't have school Thursday or Friday becasue middle school was taking the ERBs, which ninth grade doesn't take. So ha. And we went to the Equine Affaire thursday, which was followed by my visit at PUTNEY on friday! So you can see how i fell behind, even though i was supposed to be getting ahead. But now I'm caught up and ready to keep writing. Which i should be doing now. I mean, if I can function enough to figure out this blog at 3 in the morning, I can get ahead on my Novel. Which by the way is called "It's All About Symmetry".

I could go on and on. But I won't. I'll save it for another post, coming right up!

This is fun!

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